Friday, October 22, 2004

Vocabulary Week 12

1.CELESTIAL-of or related to the sky or universe; heavenly
2.CHRONIC-lasting for a long time or recurring often
3.CLAIRVOYANCE-the power to see things not present to the senses
4.IMPARTIAL-favoring no side or party more than another
5.IMPLAUSIBLE-not believable or acceptable
6.INADVERTENT-accidental, unintentional; not on purpose
7.PONDEROUS-very heavy; massive; unwieldy because of weight
8.PRETENTIOUS-making an exaggerated show of dignity or self importance; arrogant
9.PRODIGIOUS-wonderful; amazing
10.PROFUSION-great in quantity
11.SYCOPHANT-someone who attempts to win favor through flattery of a superior
12.TAWDRY-cheap and gaudy; showy; sleazy
13.VANGUARD-the front or leading position in an army or movement
14.VICARIOUS-imagined participatio in another's experience
15.VICISSITUDE-a sudden or unexpected change in one's life

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